Zinc Sulfide Pellet Evaporation Material (ZnS)

Material Type | Zinc Sulfide |
Symbol | ZnS |
Color/Appearance | White, Crystalline Solid |
Melting Point (°C) | 1,700 |
Z Ratio | 0.775 |
E-Beam | Good |
Thermal Evaporation Techniques | Boat: Ta, Mo |
E-Beam Crucible Liner Material | Tantalum, Molybdenum |
Temp. (°C) for Given Vap. Press. (Torr) | 10-4: ~800 |
Comments | Preheat gently to outgas. Films partially decompose. n=2.356. |
Zinc Sulfide Pellet
Zinc selenide is a chemical compound with a chemical formula of ZnSe. It is yellow to red in appearance with a melting point of >1,100°C, a density of 5.42 g/cc, and vapor pressure of 10-4 Torr at 660°C. Zinc selenide is heavily used as an infrared optical material. It is evaporated under vacuum for infrared optical coatings, more specifically, night vision optical coating.
Zinc Sulfide Pellet Information
AEM Deposition provides Zinc Selenide pellets, Zinc Selenide powder for sale, and the purity is 99.99% to 99.999%.
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