Yttrium Orthoaluminate Substrate (YAlO3)

YAlO3 Substrate
Yttrium Orthoaluminate (YAlO3) is also referred to as yttrium aluminum perovskite (YAP), doped with Tm, Nd, Pr, Er, and Cr. It is a single crystal similar to YAG, which doped with rare earth and transition metal ions. These are widely used in laser scintillation holographic recording, optical data storage ionization radiation dosimeter and high temperature superconducting thin film substrate.
YAlO3 Substrate Physical Properties
Material | YAlO3 (YAP) |
Structure | Orthor. |
Lattice (A) | a=5.176, b=5.307, c= 7.355 |
Melting Point | 1870℃ |
Density(g/cm3) | 5.37 g/cm3 |
Dielectric Constant | 16-20 |
Thermal-expans | 2-10 x 10-6 /K |
YAlO3 Substrate Specifications
Size | 10x3, 10x5, 10x10, 15x15, 20x 15, 20x 20,Dia 1'', Dia 30 mm |
Thickness | 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm |
Polished | SSP or DSP |
Orientation | <100>,<010>,<001>, <110> |
Redirection Precision | ±0.5° |
Redirection the Edge | 2°(special in 1°) |
Angle of Crystalline | Special size and orientation are available on demand. |
Ra: | ≤5Å(5µm×5µm) |
YAlO3 Substrate Package
Packaged with class 100 clean bag or wafer container in a class 1000 clean room.
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